Bo Hejlskov Elvén
Lic. EuroPsy psychologist
Strandvägen 183
234 32 Lomma
Tel +46 706525113
Skype: bohejlskov
Bo Hejlskov Elvén is a psychologist, author and lecturer based in Sweden.
Bo Hejlskov Elvén AB is a Swedish limited company and all income is taxed in Sweden. Swedish organisation number is 556865-5228, VAT number is SE556865-5228.
Carbon footprint: The company is based in Bos home. The company owns a few computers, phones, tablets, a printer and an electric car. All electricity in the home and company is wind power. All transports are by electric car (electricity solely from wind power) or are fully climate compensated through Cool Earth.
All photos on this website is by Ulrika Zwenger or Bo Hejlskov Elvén.